In 2022, 40 sisters in Zambia, 17 in Uganda and 27 in Kenya will graduate, joining a growing cadre of sisters with degrees in social work or allied fields. They have studied diligently, worked hard, and pursued their training during a pandemic. They are already using their new knowledge and skills in caring for children and their families.
These sister scholars are the backbone of Catholic Care for Children, a sister-led, charism-driven movement to ensure children grow up in safe, nurturing families. With growing appreciation for the importance of family for a child’s wellbeing and the concomitant risks of institutional care, they are leading efforts to transition from over-reliance on institutions toward family- and community-based models of care for children. In leading the transition, they are using their newly accrued skills to help strengthen families and ensure children can grow up in families or family-like environments.
GHR produced this summary encapsulating the scale and impact of Catholic sisters in care, along with accounts of what their work has meant to them.
Read the summary here.
These sister scholars are the backbone of Catholic Care for Children, a sister-led, charism-driven movement to ensure children grow up in safe, nurturing families. With growing appreciation for the importance of family for a child’s wellbeing and the concomitant risks of institutional care, they are leading efforts to transition from over-reliance on institutions toward family- and community-based models of care for children. In leading the transition, they are using their newly accrued skills to help strengthen families and ensure children can grow up in families or family-like environments.
GHR produced this summary encapsulating the scale and impact of Catholic sisters in care, along with accounts of what their work has meant to them.
Read the summary here.